Wilson Reading System® (WRS)
Professional Learning

Hyde Park Day School is pleased to announce that it has received Wilson® Accredited Partner, Best Practice Site status by Wilson Language Training® (WLT). This status affirms that the school meets WLT’s standards for excellence in the delivery of Wilson® professional learning programs and adheres to ethical business practices when managing those services.

As an accredited training partner and best practice site, Hyde Park Day School is now licensed by WLT to provide professional learning, including courses and certifications, to school districts and teachers in the highly respected Wilson Reading System® (WRS) program.

The Wilson Reading System® is an intensive reading program for students (grades 2-12) and adults with a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia. It is an explicit, multisensory structured literacy program based on Orton-Gillingham principles and the science of reading. It directly and systematically teaches the structure of the
English language.

Wilson Language Training® and Wilson® Accredited Training Partners have received Accreditation Plus designation by the International Dyslexia Association® (IDA). This designation recognizes that Wilson Reading System® certifications align with the IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading.

2025 Wilson Reading System® (WRS) Courses

Please click here to register for these courses. 

Dates: April 7-9, 2025 (In Person)
Time: 9:00AM – 3:00PM  Central Standard Time
Cost: $710
Location: HPDS Northfield Campus Annex
1976 Old Willow Rd.
Northfield, IL 60093

Dates: July 15-17, 2025 (Virtual)
Time: 9:00AM – 3:00PM  Central Standard Time
Cost: $650
Zoom (link will be sent after registration is complete)

Dates: August 6-8, 2025 (In Person)
Time: 9:00AM – 3:00PM  Central Standard Time
Cost: $710
Location: HPDS Lemont Campus
13860 Main St.
Lemont, IL 60439


This 16.5-hour course provides participants with an overview of the Wilson Reading System (WRS) and serves as the prerequisite for WRS Level I Certification Training. This course examines the intensive intervention reading instruction necessary for students in grade two and above with persistent and significant phonological-coding deficits. Participants learn about dyslexia (indicators, misconceptions, neurobiological aspects, and prevalence), typical versus atypical reading acquisition, appropriate student identification and placement, and key components and principles of instruction, including the factors necessary for high-quality program implementation. How to teach phonology (including phonemic awareness), morphology, and orthography in an integrated, explicit, systematic, and multisensory way is demonstrated and practiced during the course. Participants explore the standard ten-part WRS Lesson Plan and practice planning, delivering, and individualizing a WRS Lesson while receiving modeling and feedback from a Wilson® Credentialed Trainer.

Course Objectives:
• Define dyslexia and understand its prevalence and impact on the acquisition of reading skills and cognitive processes.
• Explain the process of identifying students with a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia, or other characteristics that indicate the need for intensive, multisensory instruction with the Wilson Reading System.
• Understand the Response to Intervention (RTI) model and how to implement it.
• Demonstrate understanding of the Key Components of WRS Instruction: alphabetic knowledge, rapid naming skills/word retrieval, sound-symbol relationships, word identification, accuracy, automaticity, phonology, morphology, orthography, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
• Demonstrate understanding of the WRS Principles of Instruction: direct, explicit, structured, sequential, integrated, multisensory, synthetic, analytical, diagnostic, prescriptive, mastery/automaticity, cumulative, metacognitive, and emotionally sound.
• Identify the lesson components and procedures for Lesson Block 1 (word study/foundational reading skills), Lesson Block 2 (spelling/foundational writing skills), and Lesson Block 3 (fluency/comprehension) of the WRS Lesson Plan.
• Practice and prepare a ten-part WRS Lesson Plan.

Registrants will be contacted prior to the course.

Tara Montgomery
Wilson® Credentialed Trainer
WRS Level II Certified
Wilson® Dyslexia Practitioner

Registration for WRS Level 1 Certification is open. Please complete this registration form to apply.

The WRS Level I Certification program is designed to prepare teachers to effectively implement WRS Steps 1–6 with students who are reading and spelling below grade level, as well as those diagnosed with a language-based learning disabilities, such as dyslexia.  For other questions or to inquire about future training opportunities, please contact [email protected].

Please click here to register for this course.

Dates: June 9-11, 2025 (In Person)
Time: 9:00AM – 2:30PM  Central Standard Time
Cost: $710
Location: HPDS Northfield Campus
1980 Old Willow Road
Northfield, IL 60093

Enrollment in or Completion of WRS Level I Certification
Bachelor’s degree in education or a related field
Duration: Three consecutive days (15 hours)

This workshop delves into essential techniques and strategies to improve all aspects of Wilson Reading System® (WRS) small-group instruction through hands-on practice and discussion, and prepares participants for the WRS Group Mastery Practicum.

Course Objectives
Upon the completion of the course, participants will be able to:

Identify factors for successful WRS small-group instruction.
Review the planning for and execution of WRS Lesson Blocks 1, 2, and 3 and differentiating instruction for maximum group success.
Develop a word-conscious lesson.
Understand the role of spelling in writing fluency.
Determine how to ensure students successfully access complex text; both literary and informational text structures.
Understand how to select the appropriate text and tasks for students in order to effectively plan for and deliver fluency and comprehension instruction.

For other questions or to inquire about future training opportunities, please contact [email protected].

Pictures of our Wilson® Credentialed Trainer, Tara Montgomery, and HPDS WRS Level I Certified Instructors.

Thank you so much for offering these valuable resources directly to districts and staff. What a worthwhile course to spend my time and investments.

-Anonymous Workshop Participant

Pay for the Course or Certification Here

*Note: Credit card charges will appear under our legal name, the Leslie Shankman School Corporation.

If you do not see a course of the type and timeframe you are looking for, please contact Tara Montgomery at [email protected] to discuss your specific needs.

Are you ready to get started?

Please contact HPDS directly at 847.446.7025. We look forward to assisting you in determining the best educational placement for your child.

Does Hyde Park Day School feel like a great fit for your child?