In previous environments, many of our students felt alone and marginalized. Upon arrival at Hyde Park Day School, children are surrounded by other bright students with learning disabilities, and quickly realize they are not alone but rather part of a strong community of active learners who are capable of amazing achievement. See our Bullying Policy here.
A Positive School Culture
Our faculty and community have created an incredibly safe and nurturing environment that’s designed to foster self-esteem, confidence, and a genuine interest in learning for all of our students.

Our culture enables students to realize how bright and capable they truly are.
Additionally, because we draw our student body from across the metropolitan Chicago area, family participation plays a pivotal role in setting the tone of a warm and welcoming community. We welcome friends and family into the school by hosting events throughout the academic year such as Potluck & Sports Night, and the annual Cross Campus Basketball games (held at the University of Chicago Ratner Center). Other events like Spirit Week, Movie Night, a variety of charitable events, and even our teacher/student pie-eating contest (to benefit hunger relief) are all part of our unique culture.

Are you ready to get started?
Please contact HPDS directly at 847.446.7025. We look forward to assisting you in determining the best educational placement for your child.
Does Hyde Park Day School feel like a great fit for your child?